Friday, 26 December 2008

Katya and Poppy!

These two really are best friends. Sadly Poppy graduates to primary next week while Katya sticks around another year. But she'll be there to greet Ollie this summer! How much do you love Katya and Poppy's outfits. Classic British Christmas fancy dress!

Katya and Ollie's nursery Christmas party!

Here are a few photos of Katya and Oliver at their nursery Christmas party. I wasn't supposed to take pictures of the other kids, so they are not too exciting, but you get a feel for how much they love it. And a reminder of how much Oliver hates Santa!

The happiest day of the year!!!

I think you can pretty much tell by the expression on Katya's face in most of the following pictures that it was a pretty good Christmas! She was happy ALL day. Probably the most exciting thing was the fact that Father Christmas took a bite of his mince pie and the deer (she's too lazy to call them reindeer) nibbled on his carrot! It is definite toy madness at our house and everyone, including Oliver, is enjoying the fun! We had a quiet day at home, then headed over to Martin's brother Matthew's house for Christmas evening goodness. Katya basically had Christmas 3 times and is feeling good about it all. Martin had turkey for the first time and liked it. Oliver's grandmothers must both have great minds that think alike because they bought him the exact same toy even though they are oceans apart. We exchanged the one here in England and got him a tool bench and some cool giant foam blocks! We are looking forward to relaxing and playing Settler's of Catan thanks to Mom and Dad Florence! Hooray!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Crazy hair

Santa Claus gave Katya a present of lots of purple hair stuff, a purple comb, and a purple mirror. That afternoon she opened up the Katya ward hair salon. It only cost 20 pence a style. She did nanny, grandad, and my hair. She had SOOO much fun and it is basically the best thing in the world to her right now. I should by all of her chrismas presents for under a pound and she would still be happy! We used all of the hair ties and clips in our hair for these glamour shots!

Father Christmas!

For some it is a jubilant joyous time, for others it is downright scary. You can guess in our family who fit into what category. Nanny and Grandad took us to see Santa on Saturday. The kids got all dolled up in their Grandma Florence special Christmas outfits and were so excited for the day. We almost washed away getting there. It has been raining TONS and we had to drive through rivers of water to get to the garden center we always go to to see the man in the red suit. They enjoyed the white wolves and other many lights. Then the ride to the north pole began. I think Katya really believed we were in a dog sled on our way there. Oliver was wary from the outset. But Katya kept encouraging him and showing him the way. She sat very quietly next to Santa and whispered her answers to his questions. She was VERY serious about the whole affair. No smiling, no crying, just down to business. Ollie just cried and wanted me to hold him, no sitting on Santa's knee for him! Katya is so sweet with him, she wants him to do everything that she does. She mothers him like a proper oldest sister! She is learning from a pro though wouldn't you say younger siblings of mine? It was overall a really nice morning!

Friday, 12 December 2008

just runnin' around...

We have been so busy with multiple school concerts, church concerts, and weddings that it has been nice for the past 2 days just to hang around with my kids. Martin isn't feeling brilliant after a mega week of concerts he is taking it easy with us tonight! We are so looking forward to Christmas break and 2 weeks of cuddling up in a warm house and eating mince pies and the like. We miss you our family, but are glad you will all be together and we're not far behind this summer! Also notice that my children love to watch Hanky on the computer! Even Oliver tries to get a look in! You can also see wonderful examples of Ollie's favorite past time pulling things (like tissues) out! Such a fun stage!