Nanny and Grandad bought these swords and knight masks for Katya and Ollie while they were on holiday. Ollie is afraid of his mask still, so no photos with him, but he still enjoys jousting with his big sister. And if you can't tell from this photo, I had to convince Katya that she couldn't sleep in the mask last night. She loves it!

They love to take naps together. They always start on opposite sides of the bed, but always at some point mid-nap they end up cuddling up and both wake up with super warm with bright red cheeks. They love each other so much!

This picture frightens me for many reasons. First, they look almost the same size! Second, they are so white, with Oliver a little less white, but still I look black compared to them. Plus this is a shot of our new hand me down couches. Not to shabby eh?

Watching the ever favorite Dora. They love to sit on their chairs and partake in the Dora experience. I have to admit it is nice to know I can just put a 30 minute DVD on and they will sit quietly and watch. Oliver loves Dora even more than Katya now. Its so funny!