Autumn in England means cool weather, leaves falling, Hallow's Eve, and Bonfire night to many. But to Katya and Ollie Ward it mainly means CONKERS! Yes thanks to Nanny and Daddan we have exactly 239 conkers, 4 pine cones and a few acorns. What do we do with them you say? We count them, arrange them in geometrical shapes, pour them from container to container, throw them, attempt to eat them (if we are Oliver), and even do dances around them (thanks to Katya's friend Joel for the inspiration!). They are really called Horsechestnuts and are not the edible "roasting on a fire" type. But nevertheless they provide hours of free fun!

Ollie sitting in the ring of conkers! He mostly destroys Katya's careful creations!

All 239 of them!

Thumbs up for conkers!!!